3.4 在真实硬件上运行Contiki
在本书中,我们使用的硬件开发平台是Zolertia Z1和RE-Mote。当然也可以使用其它平台,但是不在本书的范围之内。
,该文件夹下包含有CC2538 RAM Cortex-M3相关例程和应用。
- Zolertia website[10]
- Zolertia RE-Mote wiki page[11]
- Zolertia Z1 wiki page[12]
3.4.1 Zolertia Zoul模块和RE-Mote开发平台
Zoul是基于CC2538 RAM Cotrex-M3 Soc的模块,板载2.4GHz 802.15.4 RF接口,512KB可编程flash,32KBRAM,最高可运行在32MHz。Zoul与一个接收器CC1200 868/915 MHz RF绑定,因此运行双波段操作。
图3.1. Zolertia Zoul模块和RE-Mote平台
- ISM 2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4 & Zigbee compliant radio
- ISM 863-950-MHz ISM/SRD band radio
- AES-128/256, SHA2硬件加密引擎
- 关机模式时消耗降低至150nA
- Programming over BSL without requiring to press any button to enter bootloader mode
- Built-in battery charger (500 mA), facilitating Energy Harvesting and direct connection to Solar Panels and to standards LiPo batteries
- Built-in battery charger (500 mA), facilitating Energy Harvesting and direct connection to Solar Panels and to standards LiPo batteries
- Small form-factor
- MicroSD over SPI
- On board RTC (programmable real time clock) and external watchdog timer (WDT)
- Programmable RF switch to connect an external antenna either to the 2.4 GHz or to the Sub 1 GHz RF interface through the RP-SMA connector
RE-Mote是由大学和工业伙伴在欧洲研究工程RERUM(RERUM: REliable, Resilient and secUre IoT for sMart city applications)共同研发的。
3.4.2 Zolertia Z1 mote